Sunday, September 21, 2008

Short List: September 21, 2008

I need to get some shit done! I'm oh so very close to getting a new leaser for the apartment, and I did some really fun spreads in my journal today (see below to get a glimpse of my mental landscape), but there's more to be done. Packing and moving doesn't take as much time as it sometimes seems like it will. I'm going to pack up a lot of stuff and take a load down on Tuesday, then I've got a shared U-Haul with BL on Saturday, so I think I'll be containing moving to those two days. So then, what else to do?

Short List for the week of 9/21/08:

(yes, I want to get these things done this week, by 9/28/08)

  • Take a yoga class and sign up for yoga podcasts. (#2 in progress)
  • Get a massage. (#17, in progress)
  • Drink no soda. (#32, last soda was 9/12/08, and I'm going for it this time...)
  • Buy produce at farmer's market. (#25, to complete at the end of September!)
  • Make pizza from scratch (and maybe some quick bread too...). (#27, to complete)
  • Make/find list of 100 classic books. (#49, to complete)
  • Back up hard drive and make note to back up in late October. (#67, in progress)
  • Buy another CD (or two). (#94, in progress)
  • BONUS: Develop a filing system. (#69, to complete)
If I succeed, I'll have 3 (or 4 if I challenge myself...) things crossed off and many of my in progress items better underway. I think this is reasonable, considering how much time I have to kill. Yay for to-do lists!


Stefan said...

The list of classic books to read is a fantastic idea. I did something similar this year but it quickly became "Wow this author is amazing, time to read everything he's ever written."

Maureen said...

I guess it depends on what you mean: 100 top selling, 100 best novels? What?

ari said...

The goal for the book list is to come up with a list of books that are on everyone's high school/college reading lists that I have/haven't read yet... so it's kinda like the top 100 best novels, but I've looked up a lot of lists and don't know that any of them match what I want. There's a lot of "English only" lists, but I want to include authors from other languages, and women authors, old authors and newer authors, and above all avoid repeating authors as much as some of the lists do (especially F. Scott Fitzgerald, who I can't stand). Suggestions are welcome :)

Maureen said...

Watch out, I'll come up with a bunch. I guess I'll list books I think everyone should have read (including me, I'm lacking some of these). Starting off:
1. Rebecca by Daphine du Maurier,
2. Gone with the Wind
3. The Prince
4. The Old Man and the Sea
5. The Inferno
6. The Richest Man in Babylon
7. Dracula
8. Atlas Shrugged
9. The Wealth of Nations
10. Moby Dick
11. Peter Pan
12. Frankenstein
13. Invisible Man
14. Animal Farm
15. 20,000 leagues under the sea
16. All the King's Men
17. Lord of the flies
18. The Catcher in the Rye
19. A Clockwork Orange
20. Rudyard Kipling's Kim
21. Catch 22
22. Dune
23. A town like Alice (I really liked this one)
24. The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
25. The call of the wild
26. Fahrenheit 451
27. 1984
28. Anything by Stephen King, he has some funny books too.

There, that's a start. I'm sure I could think of more.

Maureen said...

29. The Kite Runner,
30. Kiln People,
(haha, I'm looking through my library history, it's clear when I was a nanny),
31. The war of the worlds,
32. the bell jar,
33. circle of friends (by maeve binchy),
34. A long way gone: memoirs of a boy soldier,
35. persepolis

Anonymous said...

My top favorite books of all time are, in no particular order, are:
1. Agony and the Ecstacy (takes a while to get into, but I still cried when Michaelangelo died, even though that's what old folks do)
2. Pillars of the Earth
3. Goodnight Moon (a quick read!)
4. Memoirs of a Geisha
5. Tale of Two Cities
6. Frankenstein
7. Life Of Pi (once described to me as "Whoah. Total MindFuck")
8. Ishmael (there are books you read before Ishmael, and the books you read after. It changes you)
9. Wuthering Heights
10. The Joy Luck Club
11. Picture of Dorian Gray
12. Grapes of Wrath (I LOATHE the book, but it's famous or whatever)
13. Count of Monte Cristo

Those are just the ones I liked. We read books at an alarming pace (we ready Moby Dick in a week. That's not ok) so I've got a bookshelf at home that's two books deep with everything I read. They're all pretty famous and well-known books, if you want when I'm home I can whip up a list to send you. I think Ishmael was the only non-classic that we read.


ari said...

Thanks for all the suggestions :)

@mizpriss: I LOVE the Agony and the Ecstasy, and totally agree with your synopsis of Ishmael.