Thursday, January 31, 2008

a month's worth

February dawns are right around the corner and as such, I have 2 weeks to work on my first short list. So, how am I doing?

To finish by Feb. 14th:
12. Brush teeth 2x a day for a month straight. (30/30) (1-30-08)
34. Set up automatic payments for insurance and car payments.
38. Sell snowboard and coat on Craigslist.
39. Do my taxes by Valentine's Day.
40. Get car details completely fixed up (4th headlight, check engine light, etc).
62. Learn to knit cables. (1-1-08)
82. Send thank-you notes for all gifts from Christmas and birthdays. (C07, B08, C08, B09, C09, B10)

The good news is, I've got two things completely crossed off for the month of January and many more in progress. I'm taking my car in tomorrow so I should be able to cross off #40 by the end of Saturday. Taxes shouldn't take long at all, as will sending in the other form for my insurance automatic payment... I just need to get around to them. I'd forgotten about selling my old snowboard stuff, so I'm glad that I've checked this! Perhaps I'll post the whole shebang on craigslist Saturday. This list is completely manageable to finish by Feb. 14th! Then I can start working on some of the more fun stuff... Car repairs are less than fun.

On the other hand, my "hopefully in progress" list looks a little worse:

To start working towards:
2. Become capable enough at yoga to comfortably complete a level II class.
3. Snowboard 10x in one season. (5/10)
17. Take a spa day once every 3 months (Hot House, Massage, Facial, Manicure/Pedicure, or Bubble Bath work!) (1/11)
24. Fill food journal with recipes.
56. Write a journal entry everyday for at least 3 months straight (Embodiment). (30/92)
60. Complete a Project 365 (or 366...). (30/366)
67. Back-up hard drive 1x a month for a year straight. (0/12)
68. Get desk fully organized and keep it neat for 3 months.
93. Join Netflicks and develop a 20-movie list. Watch them. (0/20)
94. Buy 10 CD's rather than downloading. (1/10)

I have taken steps on the road to finishing some things on this list, mostly the journaling, Project 366, and snowboarding (which, if the passes weren't closed and I didn't have to work I would be fulfilling another notch on today *sniffles*). Everything else is really falling by the wayside... which within a 3 year time frame doesn't matter too much. I need things to work on between Valentine's Day and Easter after all...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Poem on the Bus
Originally uploaded by arirose
Screw starting over... I want to move forward, not backwards! After 30 days (if you count this evening) I've only missed out on brushing my teeth once, and it was because I was nearly comatose with a cold. So yah, I messed it up somewhat, but the habit has been formed far better than I expected. Time for me to move on to step two of the three-part extravaganza: flossing. After this evening, I'll cross off #12 and start counting my flossing. This may be more difficult for me, seeing as how I usually only floss once or twice a week. I bought new floss last night though, so here's to that! When that habit is in place, I'm going to treat myself to a whitening treatment, so if anyone has any reviews/suggestions as to what over the counter product is best, please let me know!

I'm also right on track with my journaling and my Project 366, although updating flickr has been a bit lax this week (but I'm not the only one! *ahem* Jeffy...). Lately, I'm feeling held back by something, perhaps my car... My tabs expire tomorrow, but since the check engine light is on and I need an emissions test, I have to actually take the car in to get it fixed. Luckily, my parents have a mechanic they trust and I have an appointment to fix the "knock engine sensor" which, unfortunately, is broken... causing the light to go on. I'll probably ask about the 4th headlight cover as well, and maybe my broken remote. Since I've got the roof rack, chains, jumper cables, and scraper/brushy thing, once the tabs are purchased I'll be able to cross off #40 as well! I should really have mailed in my automatic payment form for the insurance by now, but I keep forgetting. Maybe I'll remember tonight!

In other news, I got new jeans. They are the same cut as my favorite pair (AE boyfriend cut, turns out wide leg jeans make my legs look like toothpicks!) only really dark washed. It really makes me happy to have 3 perfect pairs of jeans: dark, light, and skinny. When I get around to culling my clothes for spring (#72, which I really want to do NOW, but again... held back by something), I really want to define my style more concretely. The 20/80 rule interests me... The idea that you wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time. Perhaps what I want to do is really pull my wardrobe back to its bones, only containing that which I really wear and really love. I might keep some things that I don't wear regularly in the hopes that one day, when I have a job where I need to wear more than jeans and a tee-shirt, I'll want to wear some of that other 80%. After all, that's what parent's houses are for!

I'm starting to feel better about this list, and about life in general after my week of anti-social, ho-hum-ness. I can't wait for spring to come with all of its SAD-relieving sunlight and warmth. Of course, then the snow will melt, and I have to make it to the mountains 5 more times!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

a feeling of floating

Whistler is a place that spoils you. After the soaring views and extended runs, a place like Steven's just doesn't seem to cut it anymore. Of course, there are downsides to everything, like long lift lines, -13 degree (Celsius) temperatures, the complications of discounted tickets, and the fact that sororities and fraternities from around the northwest happened to converge on all of the clubs this last weekend... Luckily, the Greeks were all too hung over to really over populate the mountain but looking at the long lines into every restaurant and club, I was actually glad we'd brought food to cook for ourselves.

Sadly, I'd caught a cold and started showing symptoms on Thursday. By Sunday, the exhaustion and aches and pains had caught up with me. My ears were also completely fried from the congestion. Not even Sudafed could help my ears pop after two days of rapid frequent elevation changes. The world has been a little bit on 'mute' ever since, although I'm feeling much better today.

Being sick makes me temperamental and anti-social too, which didn't help with dealing with the 11 other people on the trip with me. The smells of cooking food burned my throat rather than enticed my appetite and I wanted to spend the evenings quietly lying down or curled up in a hot tub rather than playing games or talking. I lashed out once or twice and was somewhat alienated from the rest of the group for much of the trip because I was so tired and quiet. I hate it when that happens on a weekend that's supposed to be fun, but I really value my sleep more than listening to people I don't really know argue and poke fun at each other for hours on end. So I'm antisocial when I'm sick. So sue me.

Otherwise, the trip was amazing. I'm now capable enough on my snowboard to do everything I want to do. Vinh and I even ended up on a black diamond run that will eventually be used for the Super G and downhill races at the 2010 Olympics. Considering I managed to carve on some of the steep slopes, I felt pretty content with my skills! Our last run of the weekend was also amazing. We'd gone over to Blackhom and caught pretty much the last lift up to the highest point open (the wind had closed 7th Heaven sadly). The start of the run went down a long, narrow corridor of gently sloped snow, with trees on both sides and the sun filtering in as it dipped below the mountain tops in the distance. The fact is, before this trip I wouldn't have even been able to make it down without catching edges or stopping constantly, probably forcing myself to have to unclip and scoot myself over the flat and uphill bits. My carving skills have developed to the point where I can not only manage this run but actually enjoy it immensely. It probably helped that the run was in the direction so that I, as a goofy-stanced rider, could be on my heel edge much of the way, but I was definitely carving and taking turns on my toe edge from time to time, something I never would have done before. I was simply floating down through the dappled sunlight... overly romantic, but amazing regardless! It feels great to finally be developing the skills to really enjoy this sport, especially in such a beautiful place.

However, while I'm halfway there on my snowboarding goal, I fell off the brushing my teeth wagon. Sunday night, after playing scategories for an hour, I barely made it into bed, much less stopping to brush my teeth. I was physically incapable of even getting up for a glass of water to take more sudafed, and my head felt boxed in my the pressure in my ears. So, 20 days in I fell short. Bah! Now to start over... I'm already at day 3! Luckily I'd scribbled something in my journal and taken lots of photos during the day so those goals didn't fall by the wayside... as long as I get around to posting the photos to flickr by the end of the week.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

here we go!

Frosted Trees
Originally uploaded by arirose
Off to whistler for the weekend... Two more snowboarding days and lots of fun to be had for all. No blogs til monday (does this count as blogging once this week if I try to write two longer entries next week? I think maybe so!), but there should be something to write about by then. Check out my photos for project 366 until then!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

closed doors

Originally uploaded by arirose
Sometimes, even when the new year is beginning, I feel like I am staring down all of the possibilities that will never be. Lately, I've felt frustrated at home, in my job, and even in my creative endeavors. I haven't written much of anything beyond what I'm posting on here and what I've been scribbling in my journal over the last week, and while I feel incredibly uplifted by the activity of writing every day in my journal and by participating in Project 366, there is still a bit of me lagging. Part of the frustration comes from not being able to let go--I can't let go and just scribble, I can't let go of the daily grind of work, and I can't let go of the frustration of walking into a messy apartment that's only half (or maybe a third) my fault.

Today just felt like a million doors slammed in my face. I woke up late and missed a bus because I didn't feel good, but whining about maybe fighting off a cold doesn't get you any leeway. I fought my way through work, but since there really isn't enough work for 5 people to be occupied constantly, the lull periods caught up with me and allowed me to wallow in feeling crappy. Of course, now that I am home and have laid around watching TV and relaxing all night, I am feeling better. I feel like I'm allergic to work, yet, even when there are lull periods, I get nothing done that is actually productive, work-wise or personally. Maybe eight months in is about time to take a real vacation. after a day of dreary boredom, closed doors, and frustration, it's time to start looking for the open window.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

progress reporting

Moleskines and Herkimer
Originally uploaded by arirose
It's 6 days in and I can hardly see results. My flickr Project 366 set is woefully lacking 360 photos still, my journal is only 10 pages in, and I'm going to have to put off selling my snowboard until after I loan it to a friend for our Whistler trip. But on the other hand, I'm getting myself out of bed to brush my teeth and I'm curling up with my moleskine and my pen to write out both the positive and negative effects of the days. My camera is constantly with me allowing me to take shots of things I normally would just pass by without a glance and I even went to a yoga class today. So why does this feel so much better than a New Year's Resolution? Probably the chance to mess something up and try again (I've given myself a lot of leeway on this... none of my goals require perfection on the first try).

I'm trying to keep up with my list in the sidebar, and putting even more effort into not allowing myself to go for too many goals at a time. The only two things I have completed is the knitting project, and sending out thank-you notes for Christmas gifts (which is only one part of that goal... it cannot be crossed off in its entirety until June '10!). Here's the list of what I've made steps towards:

3. Snowboard 10x in one season. (2/10) [Two more to add when I get back from Whistler, and maybe one before that!]
12. Brush teeth 2x a day for a month straight. (5/30)
34. Set up automatic payments for insurance and car payments. [Just have to mail in the second form, and get the companies to recognize them.]
56. Write a journal entry everyday for at least 3 months straight (Embodiment). (5/92)
57. Write a blog post a week for 3 months straight. (1/12)
60. Complete a Project 365 (or 366...). (5/366)

Epiphany Brunch
Originally uploaded by arirose
That's quite the list for the first week of the year. I'm surprised how easy the regular things like journaling, teeth-brushing, and Project 366 have been to accomplish. Soon enough, I'll add the yoga to this list since I felt really wonderful at class this morning. If I can get myself to go to more classes on a regular basis again, I'll be crossing that one off sooner than I thought! I should also soon be started on more of the car details since I have to do tabs next weekend. I'll probably go get everything else done-- whatever I choose to afford at least. Plus, I have to buy my roof rack for snowboarding because of the Whistler trip upcoming so there's no reason to not get the rest done. Luckily, one of my car purchases is solved already-- I went home for a Epiphany Lunch/ Brunch/ let's- just- enjoy- these- decorations- one- more- time- before- mom- takes- them- down Party. Grandma and Grandpa came over too, bearing "Epiphany presents." Mom, Dad and I had just been talking about how I needed a brush/scraper thing for my mountain-bound car when Grandma handed me just that! Thanks to Grandma I have one less thing to shop for on my way to crossing off another goal.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

paring down the enormity

The start of the New Year was really wonderful. Monday night was spent with friends, playing Wii and drinking champagne as the Space Needle fireworks lamely fizzled out. The next morning, Vinh suggested dim sum which was much fun (and so very tasty!) which we followed up with a nice walk along the waterfront all the way through the sculpture garden and Myrtle Edwards park. A little coffee shop chillin' (and journal writing), then the Rose Bowl, and subsequent photo uploading and knitting. Overall, a very laid back and relaxing day off to start things off right!

So in order to start off this list properly, I figure I'll have to create a shorter list from the main one. To kick things off, I'm going to work towards starting at least 10 goals this month, finishing at least 3 since that's the number required per month to stay on track. With one out of the way last night, I'm on a roll! I've also started working on Project 366 and journaling every day, keeping track of my teeth brushing (and dragging myself out of bed to make sure I get it done at night, a downfall of mine sometimes), and sending out thank-you notes for christmas (now I just need to remember to put the stamps on and stick them in the mailbox). So here's the list of what I'm getting started on or hoping to finish before Valentine's Day rolls around.

Vinh and the Dim Sum
Originally uploaded by arirose

To finish by Feb. 14th:
12. Brush teeth 2x a day for a month straight. (1/30)
34. Set up automatic payments for insurance and car payments.
38. Sell snowboard and coat on Craigslist.
39. Do my taxes by Valentine's Day.
40. Get car details completely fixed up (4th headlight, check engine light, etc).
62. Learn to knit cables. (1-1-08)
82. Send thank-you notes for all gifts from Christmas and birthdays. (C07, B08, C08, B09, C09, B10)
To start working towards:
2. Become capable enough at yoga to comfortably complete a level II class.
3. Snowboard 10x in one season. (2/10)
17. Take a spa day once every 3 months (Hot House, Massage, Facial, Manicure/Pedicure, or Bubble Bath work!) (0/11)
24. Fill food journal with recipes.
56. Write a journal entry everyday for at least 3 months straight (Embodiment). (1/92)
60. Complete a Project 365 (or 366...).
67. Back-up hard drive 1x a month for a year straight. (0/12)
68. Get desk fully organized and keep it neat for 3 months.
93. Join Netflicks and develop a 20-movie list. Watch them. (0/20)
94. Buy 10 CD's rather than downloading. (1/10)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

starting everything off on day one

iPod Cozy I
Originally uploaded by arirose
In order to have a chance of finishing 101 goals, some of them must be easy enough to cross off quickly. Turns out knitting cables is even easier than I thought it would be! With some scrap yarn, a scarf pattern that I modified, and about an hour of boredom this evening I made this little iPod cozy, allowing me to cross #62 off the list.

Knitting cozies may make me sound insane, but I usually destroy my headphones by throwing my iPod in my bag along with pens, keys, and many other sharper objects. So rather than just making a swatch to simply learn the stitch patern (which would be no fun really) I learned both cable knitting and seaming in one project.

So with that, the list is starting to pare down! Only 100 items to go...