Friday, January 16, 2009

Sock it to Me

Anyone have size 6-6 1/2 feet? I think my socks are a little bit too snug, but I'm not one to pull out half the stitches and try to make it any longer. Maybe I'll sell them on when I'm done with the second one.

This one took a while, but was really fun. I think I might do another pair, but with chunkier yarn and bigger needles next time. Turns out that small yarn takes WAY too long to finish. Knitting at the registration table and on planes definitely gets you attention, though, which can be a very good thing. ;)


Maureen said...

Yarn stretches. Also depends on how tight you knit them. My grandma always makes slippers and they feel sung at first but are perfect after a little bit.

Unknown said...

I wish I enjoyed socks that weren't plain colors, because then my life would be more exciting.

Maureen said...

K- they do make solid color yarn. Your life could be exciting.