I like to think that over the last year and a half, I've become a pretty good packer. I tested myself this week, and still want to find a way to get my bags lighter. I'm on a 4-day week out-and-back, so my challenge to myself was to travel with only my small work carryon bag and not bring an additional suitcase for my clothes and sundries. I think I managed it quite well, and because I know you're DYING to know... I'll map it out for you.
The Bag:A Swiss Army rolling briefcase with 4 compartments, purchased at Costco last year at the start of my BER adventure.
The Work Stuff:Ahhh, yes. The tech case. The 48.5lb object between me a complete carry-on heaven.
The traveling office:My file folder contains all my registration and paperwork paraphenaila while the pencil case carries the various office materials one needs whether one is in Seattle or Mobile, AL (the stapler is a fave with TSA, to some agents it resembles a box cutter). Then there is all of the GPS electronics. In order to streamline, I put the pencil case in the tech case (now at 48.75lbs...) and put the file folder in it's usual place: the second compartment of the briefcase. The GPS cables found themselves a home in the front pocket (hereby dubbed the "cord pocket") of the briefcase while Rita herself went in a pocket of my purse for easy access.
Pocket-by-Pocket:The cord pocket--GPS cords, iPhone USB cord, AUX adapter cord for car stereo, netbook charge cord, knitting bag with NZ yarn scarf-in-progress, liquids ziplock. File folder pocket--the file folder (surprise!).
The laptop pocket (sans laptop thanks to the netbook!)--workout clothes, dirty laundry, "solids" toiletry bag, makeup bag, snack items (oatmeal and almonds). The main clothing pocket--the Wardrobe.
And what clothes does one pack for a 4-day stint where the warmest temperature is a balmy 45degrees? The following:Work clothes:
- Black and white check dress
- Pink and black jersey dress
- Black & grey cardigans
- Black & grey tights
- Red & black belt
- Report wedges
- AE boyfriend jeans
- Bonjour T-shirt and white tank top
- White turtleneck
- Green sneakers (workout shoe substitute attempt)
- Sleep/workout T-shirt and workout capris
- Yoga Socks (whee!)
- Scarf and Coat
- Various undergarments, socks, and whatnot
The Purse:
Anyways, that's about it. I know you were on the edge of your seat waiting to find out how I do it. The real challenge will be seeing if I can do it again, in variaton for the next stint--two weeks out with a NOLA weekend in the middle. I want to get everything in my regular 21" suitcase, which I can carry on.
The non-rev in me squeals in delight at your efficient packing!
As for your purse bag, I have some thoughts:
- If you've got your handy-dandy netbook now, can you eliminate the magazine (and possibly book?) since you've got online things you can read? Or can you download ebooks for that purpose?
- I don't know if you have sparkly lip gloss or just something to keep them moist, but if you're just keeping them moist, how about something like paw paw ointment that can do double duty as lotion/lip stuff? That'll eliminate your lotion bar.
My only real complaint with the idea of e-books is that you can't have them on when you're taking off and landing in a plane. Plus, reading off a computer screen is no fun (although a kindle screen is workable, it's another $250 and another electronic device in my life).
And I'm a serious Half-Priced Books clearance section junkie. I don't like to pay more than $3 for a book, but can't use the library since they like to charge you up the wazoo if you happen to leave one of their books on a plane.
Although... now that you mention it, I have heard rumors of downloadable library books. I must look into this.
Wow...I can only imagine what you'd say if you looked at my bags full of stuff!!! I know I go out for at least 3 weeks at a time but I'm thoroughly impressed that you can even fit all of your work stuff in that folder, let alone all those clothes in your carry-on! I still want to bring everything and the kitchen sink with me when I pack and was very pleased with myself this week when I packed only 4 pairs of shoes for the first time in my BER life (I always pack 5 or more)! I think my toiletries bag alone weighs more than you're carry-on! I guess I still get hung up on feeling like I have more of "my own life" when I have a lot of my stuff with me. Maybe I'm just excessive...
Anyway, I'm definitely impressed and have absolutely no suggestions since you've surpassed me in simplifying your life on the road!
Lisa, I don't begrudge you anything in your suitcase! I think I've taken George Clooney's "empty backpack" packing advice (from "Up in the Air") a bit too much to heart... and when you feel like you're lacking something on the road it really makes you feel lonely and lost sometimes(I'm feeling the desperate lack of my swimsuit this week, and it's absurdly agonizing).
Psh, I was in Indiana (average temp in the teens) for almost a week and still had only 1/2 a laundry load's worth of clothes. That clothing list sounds to me like you'd be coooold. Where are the sweaters? It's all thin jersey knits!
I've been meaning to do a photo dissection of my checked baggage for a while now, but may also do one of my rolling briefcase since you've got the ball rolling.
I have noticed that these "TEAM" seminars really destroy my chance to have any time to myself for the entire week. I have a growing list of blog entry ideas to post (both the PM Restaurant blog as well as my personal one), TV shows to watch, exercise to do, podcasts to listen to, and all sorts of other things. There just isn't enough time outside of the presentations, travel, and whatever small amount of sleep time can be squeezed in between.
Soon enough, though.
Also, I cannot believe you have room for clothes in that rolling briefcase bag! Obviously you have a larger one than me, but holy cow, all my paperwork, laptop, and other items generally make mine quite snug, if not close to bursting.
Lisa: You regularly pack five or more pairs of shoes?! I get one in the suitcase and one on my feet, so there's not even close to enough room for sneakers (which makes the hotel fitness room a little awkward with me in boots on the treadmill sometimes).
hahahaha josh, I only pack one pair of shoes - the ones that are on my feet. take that.
and adrian? Brilliant. so clooney of you.
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