Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Poem on the Bus
Originally uploaded by arirose
Screw starting over... I want to move forward, not backwards! After 30 days (if you count this evening) I've only missed out on brushing my teeth once, and it was because I was nearly comatose with a cold. So yah, I messed it up somewhat, but the habit has been formed far better than I expected. Time for me to move on to step two of the three-part extravaganza: flossing. After this evening, I'll cross off #12 and start counting my flossing. This may be more difficult for me, seeing as how I usually only floss once or twice a week. I bought new floss last night though, so here's to that! When that habit is in place, I'm going to treat myself to a whitening treatment, so if anyone has any reviews/suggestions as to what over the counter product is best, please let me know!

I'm also right on track with my journaling and my Project 366, although updating flickr has been a bit lax this week (but I'm not the only one! *ahem* Jeffy...). Lately, I'm feeling held back by something, perhaps my car... My tabs expire tomorrow, but since the check engine light is on and I need an emissions test, I have to actually take the car in to get it fixed. Luckily, my parents have a mechanic they trust and I have an appointment to fix the "knock engine sensor" which, unfortunately, is broken... causing the light to go on. I'll probably ask about the 4th headlight cover as well, and maybe my broken remote. Since I've got the roof rack, chains, jumper cables, and scraper/brushy thing, once the tabs are purchased I'll be able to cross off #40 as well! I should really have mailed in my automatic payment form for the insurance by now, but I keep forgetting. Maybe I'll remember tonight!

In other news, I got new jeans. They are the same cut as my favorite pair (AE boyfriend cut, turns out wide leg jeans make my legs look like toothpicks!) only really dark washed. It really makes me happy to have 3 perfect pairs of jeans: dark, light, and skinny. When I get around to culling my clothes for spring (#72, which I really want to do NOW, but again... held back by something), I really want to define my style more concretely. The 20/80 rule interests me... The idea that you wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time. Perhaps what I want to do is really pull my wardrobe back to its bones, only containing that which I really wear and really love. I might keep some things that I don't wear regularly in the hopes that one day, when I have a job where I need to wear more than jeans and a tee-shirt, I'll want to wear some of that other 80%. After all, that's what parent's houses are for!

I'm starting to feel better about this list, and about life in general after my week of anti-social, ho-hum-ness. I can't wait for spring to come with all of its SAD-relieving sunlight and warmth. Of course, then the snow will melt, and I have to make it to the mountains 5 more times!


Stefan said...

That 20/80 rule is so true. I have so many shirts that I never even wear anymore because I have other shirts I prefer over the others. The only downside is you end up doing more laundry :(

However, the benefits outweigh the laundry issue. When you have set pieces of clothing it makes it so much easier to dress up or down. I realize now also as I'm typing this that it's no wonder I get made fun of for liking clothing/fashion - because I sound like a complete tool.

As for getting rid of the clothes, I'd recommend bagging them all up and taking them to a secondhand clothing store or similar area and trading it in for new items - or simply just donating it to goodwill.

Anyways, good luck in your clothing goals.

- Stefan

nonfinis said...

Though I may not be posting them on Flickr with regularity, I am taking the pictures and tagging them in Aperture! But yes, my Flickr behavior does need some work. I can't wait till summer and more daylight hours... that'll improve my pictures!

Unknown said...

I love how one of your tags for this post is "existential thoughts". I could come up w/1000 tags and can all but guarantee you that would not make the radar screen. How are we friends? seriously.