Monday, January 25, 2010

My Two Cents

Turns out, I not only do a better job, but I like my job a lot more when I have over thrity participants now. Either I need the slight challange to get in the groove, or waking up at 6am for 10 people is just depresing.

Charlottesville, VA is a small town I could spend some time in. Good food, good shops, good history. What more does a place need?


Kelly Anne said...


ari said...

Well, TJ lived here and it is a college town, so it's surprisingly liberal. How about people who read the brochure and don't expect bagels at our seminars? Or people at the next seminar over who don't make jokes about how I misspelled "beer" on my sign?

EmmittMcbeth1203 said...
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