Wednesday, January 2, 2008

paring down the enormity

The start of the New Year was really wonderful. Monday night was spent with friends, playing Wii and drinking champagne as the Space Needle fireworks lamely fizzled out. The next morning, Vinh suggested dim sum which was much fun (and so very tasty!) which we followed up with a nice walk along the waterfront all the way through the sculpture garden and Myrtle Edwards park. A little coffee shop chillin' (and journal writing), then the Rose Bowl, and subsequent photo uploading and knitting. Overall, a very laid back and relaxing day off to start things off right!

So in order to start off this list properly, I figure I'll have to create a shorter list from the main one. To kick things off, I'm going to work towards starting at least 10 goals this month, finishing at least 3 since that's the number required per month to stay on track. With one out of the way last night, I'm on a roll! I've also started working on Project 366 and journaling every day, keeping track of my teeth brushing (and dragging myself out of bed to make sure I get it done at night, a downfall of mine sometimes), and sending out thank-you notes for christmas (now I just need to remember to put the stamps on and stick them in the mailbox). So here's the list of what I'm getting started on or hoping to finish before Valentine's Day rolls around.

Vinh and the Dim Sum
Originally uploaded by arirose

To finish by Feb. 14th:
12. Brush teeth 2x a day for a month straight. (1/30)
34. Set up automatic payments for insurance and car payments.
38. Sell snowboard and coat on Craigslist.
39. Do my taxes by Valentine's Day.
40. Get car details completely fixed up (4th headlight, check engine light, etc).
62. Learn to knit cables. (1-1-08)
82. Send thank-you notes for all gifts from Christmas and birthdays. (C07, B08, C08, B09, C09, B10)
To start working towards:
2. Become capable enough at yoga to comfortably complete a level II class.
3. Snowboard 10x in one season. (2/10)
17. Take a spa day once every 3 months (Hot House, Massage, Facial, Manicure/Pedicure, or Bubble Bath work!) (0/11)
24. Fill food journal with recipes.
56. Write a journal entry everyday for at least 3 months straight (Embodiment). (1/92)
60. Complete a Project 365 (or 366...).
67. Back-up hard drive 1x a month for a year straight. (0/12)
68. Get desk fully organized and keep it neat for 3 months.
93. Join Netflicks and develop a 20-movie list. Watch them. (0/20)
94. Buy 10 CD's rather than downloading. (1/10)


nonfinis said...

Why are you selling your snowboard and coat? Or is this to get a better snowboard and coat? I'm assuming you haven't given up the sport... have you?

ari said...

I've already got the better gear, now I just have to get rid of the stuff that I started out on. It just can't keep up with me any more!