Tuesday, January 1, 2008

starting everything off on day one

iPod Cozy I
Originally uploaded by arirose
In order to have a chance of finishing 101 goals, some of them must be easy enough to cross off quickly. Turns out knitting cables is even easier than I thought it would be! With some scrap yarn, a scarf pattern that I modified, and about an hour of boredom this evening I made this little iPod cozy, allowing me to cross #62 off the list.

Knitting cozies may make me sound insane, but I usually destroy my headphones by throwing my iPod in my bag along with pens, keys, and many other sharper objects. So rather than just making a swatch to simply learn the stitch patern (which would be no fun really) I learned both cable knitting and seaming in one project.

So with that, the list is starting to pare down! Only 100 items to go...

1 comment:

emma said...

Very very cool! I'm hoping to learn cables as well; though it's not on my 101 things list. A cozy for my ipod was the second thing I ever knitted (the first was a bookmark). It was originally supposed to be a coin purse, but I got my ipod right afterwards and it fit perfectly. I think that was 4 years ago, and it's still holding up!