Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When it is Okay to Break the Rules

Break the rules when:

A: You've downed your water bottle upon noticing there was no sink near security to throw out the remaining 16 oz.

B: You purchase and consume a small (since when is 12 oz small?) latte to fill your tummy and power you through the remaining time zone adjustment and afternoon of connecting flights.

C: You board a small aircraft which flies at a low altitude for nearly an hour and a half, running into some rather bumpy air after the first 40 minutes, right about when you start to think about bugging your seatmate to move so you can go to the lavatory.

D: The captain turns on the seatbelt sign, keeps it on for the remainder of the flight, and then proceeds to circle around Cincinatti airport as there is a lot of traffic at the Delta hub, extending the flight by 10 minutes.

Facing a sloshy airplane bathroom and the ire of your not-so-friendly flight attendant is probably better than feeling like your bladder is about to burst as your plane bounces and skitters a landing on the runway. Lesson learned.

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